Saturday, April 24


"I would rather have a small house and a big life,
 than a big house and a small life... 
wouldn't you, Mom?"


"Would you say that again, Stockton?"

He sighs, and says a little louder, slower, for my benefit,

 "I would rather have a small house and a big life,
 than a big house and a small life...wouldn't you?"

He waits expectantly for my answer.

"Mom?"...still waiting...

"Yes, Stockton," I say with an awed voice, "I would."

We continue driving.

 Satisfied, Stockton plays with an action figure in the back seat.
 I drive on, contemplating our exchange.

How is it that a seven year old can have more wisdom than a full grown, been-through-lots-of-life-experiences adult? 

Sometimes I wonder, 
who is raising who?


St Harris said...

I hope this doesn't mean you're not coming back to Carey...

Hope to see you in a month.

Hope to have all my quilting/sewing finishing bedroom projects done by then.

Miss you.

And how wise is that little guy. Brilliant.

Tana said...

That is amazing. BUT...still can't wait to see you in your big house:)

sariah said...

I love your photos Michelle. And Stocky's words of wisdom too.

Cassondra said...

What a wise boy! He's got me evaluating my own home and quality of life in our little house. :)

Suzy said...

I shared this with my sis-n-laws on sunday-thanks for postin such wise words from the mouth of your babe:0)
My kids sometimes talk about getting a "bigger place" but they really are happy with what we got;0)