Back to blogging, back to Maui, and back in the saddle. Yessirree.
My only excuse for not having blogged for so long is that I have been so busy living life, that I haven't had time to chronicle it. Clearly, I could NEVER be a scrap-booker. I would have piles and piles of photos laying around languishing in heaps, waiting to be scrapped. The guilt and shame of it would kill me. No, an empty blog is enough.
So you wanna know what I've been doing? Well, most of you who care enough to read this blog already know, but here goes. A summer spent in Idaho included: Rain, a dusting and cob-web-ridding binge, swimming and canoeing in the pond, COLD early morning walks, thunder and lightning storms, girl's days (although not enough), dinner with friends, trips to Alturas, lots of mosquito-slapping, play-time in my studio, a family reunion, antiquing, dirt-bike riding, 4th of July parade, bbq, and fireworks, airplane rides, a trip to Blackfoot, a girls only trip to SLC, gardening (or as I like to put it "playing in the dirt"), swinging in the hammock, a community picnic, water-skiing on the Snake, dr. and dentist appointments, sewing, weeding, trips to KB's, 24th of July parade, oh yeah, and enough cleaning of the homestead to satisfy this neat-freak for a long time. Needless to say, it was immensely satisfying and waaaaaaaay too short. Kind of like eating an ice-cream cone in the summer-time. I already miss it.
I think I'll go have some shave ice.
I'm so glad I was able to catch up with you this summer. Enjoy the warm weather and think of us as it gets COLD!
I hate that your baaaaack, well, glad your back to blogging, not glad your back in HI. We have had more recent trauma on the construction homefront but I don't dare post it, I will give you all the juicy details next time we talk. love you so so much. T
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